Ilya Ziblat

llya Ziblat

critical listening

  For live musicians and computer. The work explores the idea of climate activism and our collective social-environmental responsibility. The soundtrack was created using material from interviews I did with climate scientists, civil activists, and from field recordings of demonstrations and other events. SoundAttribution is a work...

  Live-electronics interface. The design inspired by analogue tape (reel-to-reel) composition techniques and uses granular synthesis techniques. The digital interface is used for real-time processing. The user controls the sound-processing parameters playing a touch-sensitive MIDI controller. hav(h)arot renders visible the physicality of computer performance – a performative aspect which...

For amplified bass flute, violin, cello, contrabass, and soundtrack. Commissioned and played by Eutopia Ensemble, Palazzo Tursi, Genova...

Video score / interactive work, featuring speech segments by D. Trump....

For ensemble (open instrumentation). The musicians alternate between solo and group playing, and the work also features voices however without prescribed text, resulting in pseudo language open for free interpretation....