01 Mar Live-electronics and speech samples
My contribution to Practice Sharing, an online presentation of expanded approaches to language-based practice within the field of artistic research (2020). I was invited to participate in this edition of the Society of Artistic Research Special Interest Group Research, co-organised by Emma Cocker, Alexander Damianisch, Cordula Daus and Lena Séraphin.
My practice as a composer and improviser is focused on creating and playing live-electronics systems that process speech samples into electroacoustic sounds. To me, the speaking voice not only provides a resource with an endless sonic potential but can also open up a distinct, defamiliarizing perspective on language. Using speech as the source material for live processing, I aim to create a body of work which is situated at the intersection of sound and text. In my works music and language are in a continuous interplay: A constant fluctuation between background and foreground positions, a continuous recontextualization of semantic syntaxes and sonic material, resulting in a network of emergent links and associations. read more ➔ in Practice Sharing (in the Research Catalogue)